Thursday, 5 May 2016

How to boost your immune system?

Your immune system does a significant job of defending you against disease causing microbes so; make sure that your immunity stays in healthy condition by following these simple tips:

-          Add lots of berries to your diet – Berries are full of antioxidants and are excellent for promoting healthy immune system. Add a handful to your cereal breakfast or make a delicious smoothie.
-          Proper Sleep – Restful sleep is vital for our health. While sleeping certain protective cytokines increase in levels and inflammatory cells decline, which means that less or disturbed sleep can result in a poor immune system.

-          Garlic –Known and preferred for dealing with viruses that cause cold and flu. If you don’t like that strong taste and smell you can go for garlic capsules which will also have the desired effect.

-          Eat Yogurt – Yes, the health benefits of yogurt go beyond protein and calcium. Probiotics are known to stimulate white blood cells which prevent you from catching cold and flu germs.

-          No Alcohol – Excessive intake of alcohol deteriorates the immune system and makes our body vulnerable to lung infections.

-          Exercise – Exercise can boost your metabolism and helps you sleep better. Both of these are good for a healthy immune system. Therefore, it is very important to indulge in some kind of physical activity for at least 30 minutes in a day.

-          Laugh out loud – It controls the levels of stress hormones in your body and boosts a type of white blood cell that combats infection.

You can also consult a nutritionist and go for some supplements that work on boosting the immunity and will prevent you from catching various infections. There are some good optionsrecommended by the health experts in Canada such as umac core marine phytoplankton as a reliable supplement for boosting the immunity and other health benefits.

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