Saturday, 8 August 2015

Vitamins are an integral part of human body.

We tend to ignore its importance but it is necessary to realize their worth in our growth and development. Lets understand few essentiality related to these interesting vitamins which are available in every health and food store around every corner in Canada and even online.

1.      Vitamin A- important for perfect vision. It is a fat soluble vitamin. Being helpful in improving the eye-sight, it improves the glow and texture of the skin as well. Yellow vegetables, eggs, fish oil, milk, butter, spinach and fruits are its rich source.

2.      Vitamin B- it constitutes a combination of vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, biotin, folic acid and pantothenic acid. They play a major role in the metabolism process. They are useful part in the creation of RBCs and energy in the body. Whole grains, leafy vegetables, eggs, sea food, milk, yogurt, beans, peas and citrus fruits are its major source.

3.      Vitamin C- it is also called as ascorbic acid and is rich in anti-oxidants. It plays a vital role in producing the collagen that helps to provide internal strength to the bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, ligaments and tendons. It plays another important role by preventing Vit A and E from oxidising. Citrus fruits are its major source. Broccoli, cabbage and strawberries are also found rich in Vit C.

4.      Vitamin D- this is also a fat soluble vitamin and is helpful in the calcium and phosphorous absorption. It channelizes the calcium movement form bones to blood and is important in the development of bones and teeth. Egg yolk, fish liver oil and milk are its richest source. Body can naturally synthesize the vitamin in the presence of sunlight.

5.      Vitamin E- it is an anti-oxidant and considered as the vitamin of oxidation. It is an important part that forms important part in forming the RBCs and helps in protecting the lungs from pollution. Bread nuts, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, wheat germ, egg yolks are its fertile sources.

To know more information about Health food store Canada please visit the website.

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