Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Buy The Most Affordable Lugol’s Solution From Abaco Health Based In Canada

If you are familiar with the term ‘lugol’s solution’, you should keep reading. It is a solution composed of iodine water and potassium iodide. It is a disinfectant and medication used in a plethora of medical treatments. It can also be used as a reagent and antiseptic. Some even say it is used in cancer diagnosis as well. Some other names for this solution are strong iodine solution, Potassium triiodide, Lugol's iodine and aqueous iodine.

Along with antithyroid medicine, it is used in the surgical removal of the thyroid gland and create other thyroid conditions like thyroid storm and hyperthyroidism. It works by decreasing the size of the gland and lessening the amount of hormones the body makes. It is also used in the treatment of iodine deficiency. You should always take it as per the doctor’s instructions and keep in mind the dosage.

You can take this solution directly from the dropper. Make sure you measure the dosage first. If you want to improve the taste, you can mix the drops in a glass of water, juice or milk one of the side effects of this solution is that it can upset your stomach. To decrease the chance of that happening, you should take it after you have eaten or while eating.

To buy the cheapest and most affordable lugol’s solution in Canada, you have to check out Abaco Health’s website. The offer natural health care products including lugols solution in Canada with least prices in all of Canada.