Your immune system helps you fight against the disease causing infections and thus it is highly crucial for you to ensure that it is always well protected and strong enough to keep you healthy. Here are some effective tips that will help you make sure that your immune system is always in its healthy best condition –
1.Berries – Berries and some more Berries – Berries of all kinds are full of antioxidants which work wonders in promoting a healthy immune system. If you don’t like eating them raw, go for some delicious smoothies for breakfast or afternoon supper.
2.Enough Sleep – A healthy morning is just not possible without a restful nights sleep. While we are asleep, the levels of protective cytokines rise and inflammatory cells go down. Thus, lack of adequate amount of sleep is really bad for your immune system in the long run.
3.No to Alcohol – Apart from causing various ill effects on your health, alcohol is the biggest enemy of your immune system as well. It weakens your body thereby making it highly vulnerable to various infections. It can also impact your sleep pattern which takes a further toll on your immune system.
4.Sweat it out – Working out in the evening can help you sleep better and can also boost your metabolism to a great extent. Both of these are necessary to keep your immune system healthy. So no matter how busy you are, take some time out for yourself and indulge in a physical activity of your choice.
Also, there are several stores that offer a good range of nutrition supplements like Umac Core Marine Phytoplankton in Canada. Consult your dietician and look for the ones that suit your needs well.